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Mainchain-Sidechain Transfer

How to Transfer ELA from Mainchain to ESC

  1. Using the ELA-CLI, create a deposit transaction:
./ela-cli wallet -t create --deposit eth_address(ESC address) --amount recharge_value(amount ela units) --fee recharge_fee(fee ela units)
  1. Sign transaction:
./ela-cli wallet -t sign --file to_be_signed.txn -p yourpassword(your keystore password)
  1. Send transaction:
./ela-cli wallet -t send --file ready_to_send.txn

How to Withdraw ELA from ESC to Mainchain

Using node.js

const Web3 = require("web3");

// set web3 uri
const web3 = new Web3("");

// set withdraw contract
let contract = new web3.eth.Contract([
constant: false,
inputs: [
{ name: "_addr", type: "string" },
{ name: "_amount", type: "uint256" },
{ name: "_fee", type: "uint256" },
name: "receivePayload",
outputs: [],
payable: true,
stateMutability: "payable",
type: "function",
{ payable: true, stateMutability: "payable", type: "fallback" },
anonymous: false,
inputs: [
{ indexed: false, name: "_addr", type: "string" },
{ indexed: false, name: "_amount", type: "uint256" },
{ indexed: false, name: "_crosschainamount", type: "uint256" },
{ indexed: true, name: "_sender", type: "address" },
name: "PayloadReceived",
type: "event",
anonymous: false,
inputs: [
{ indexed: true, name: "_sender", type: "address" },
{ indexed: false, name: "_amount", type: "uint256" },
{ indexed: true, name: "_black", type: "address" },
name: "EtherDeposited",
type: "event",

// set eth account address
contract.options.address = deploy_contract_address;

// set account contract keystore info
const acc = web3.eth.accounts.decrypt(keystore_content, keystore_password);

// call receivePayload function,params:(ELA main chain address,amount(In ela up to convert wei 10000000000),fee)
const cdata = contract.methods
.receivePayload(ELA_address, withdraw_amount, fee)

// gas minimum is 3000000,gasPrice is any value
let tx = {
data: cdata,
to: contract.options.address,
from: acc.address,
gas: "3000000",
gasPrice: "20000000000",

// send transaction amount(use receivePayload function amount)
tx.value = withdraw_amount;

.then((res) => {
stx = res;

Transfer Smart Contracts

ESC DepositXVbCTM7vqM1qHKsABSFH4xKN1qbp7ijpWf
ESC Withdraw0xC445f9487bF570fF508eA9Ac320b59730e81e503
ESC Testnet DepositXWCiyXM1bQyGTawoaYKx9PjRkMUGGocWub
ESC Testnet Withdraw0x491bC043672B9286fA02FA7e0d6A3E5A0384A31A